This is what blogs used to be for. For journal writing that may or may not be seen by anyone or everyone. For writing things down that I didn’t want to forget. That was how this blog was actually born. I am a writer by hobby and have loved using this blog for so many reasons, but honestly, the most important one is to keep a diary of events that happened that maybe one day, my kids will read and hear my perspecive and my story about what happened, what transpired and what my story was during that time. Theirs will be different. They will have their own story to tell of the 2020 Coronavirus, COVID-19, the sprind break they didn’t get, how they always had to be in an N95 Mask, the school closures, the social isolating, etc.
This my story. As a Mom of 4, 3 kids with a rare mediacal condition, 1 with diabetes and a not an fucking clue on what to actually do. But fake it till you make it. Smoke and mirrors. They think we know everything, so we pretend we do. But in reality, we know jack shit.
I feel like Friday, March 13th was the day everything fell apart. When Walt Disney World announced it was closing around 4pm, that was when I began to start to feel more like, holy shit…this is now real. No more tuning out the news, no more “thinking” that this was just going to be something we would read about.
My parents were leaving the next day for back home. NY Yankees had canceled the rest of Spring Training and my parents now wanted to get home. I did’t blame them. So we had dinner at Bonefish, talked about how crazy the world was, said our good-byes and then we rushed to Publix at 8pm because we had a feeling that things would begin to get craizer. So we did our shopping, stocked up and went home.

Every morning we get the paper. But it’s no new news. We read about the minute by minute updates on Twitter when they happen. But it’s normalicy and perspective I get from the paper being delivered to my door each morning. The same paper that my dad had delivered, my Grandfather read every morning…but I just wonder when it will stop being deliverered and I can’t say that I blame them.
On Day 1, Saturday, March 14th, we took this beautiful 1st day of Spring Break to play in the pool, make nachos by the pool and relax just like any day. Foolish? Maybe… But am I to panic stricken my 4 kids and put the fear of death in them? What good will that do? I want to take an a calm approach with the kids and have them understand what is going on, but I do now want to stress them out. There is no need to. We will take each day 1 day at a time. But for today, it’s still sunshine and rainbows. Staying together as a family, isolating ourselves from situations to keep us safe and washing our damn hands. Tomorrow will be a new day with new developments. But today was good day. The kids don’t really get it, but then again, I don’t think we full do either just yet.