I’m a sponsored Meta Influencer, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.
The sheer volume of work that comes from having a child or multiple children might seem like having the task of climbing Mount Everest placed in front of you each day you wake up. Daunting. From school work, to homework to housework to out-of-the-house-work, the lists go on and on and never seem to end. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that give me the strength and energy to power me through the day. (I went through some old pictures and just got exhausted seeing how much we’ve done!) Some might seem easy, but from this once tired Mama, I know can say I have more pep in my step and more energy now than I ever have. It’s the sweet moments with my kids that I want to enjoy because they won’t be little for long. Here are some tips to help you feel your best each day!
- Get ready the night before. I seem to have little time in the morning to get myself ready for the day because I am simultaneously getting 4 kids ready as well. A little sprucing up in the morning and I’m ready to tackle the day! This might seem more psychological, but I definitely feel more energized when I’m not in my pajamas all day!
- Don’t skip breakfast! I won’t let my kids go to school without breakfast and I won’t let myself go without breakfast too! Make it easy on yourself! A yogurt, a piece of fruit, an egg…anything! Your body needs fuel, good fuel, to start the day! You’ll notice you’ll have more energy and be in a better mood too! I also take Meta Daily Energy Support as a part of my morning routine. The B-vitamin complex works naturally with my body to support natural energy* production without stimulants like caffeine. There’s also a beneficial probiotic to support a healthy digestive system. It’s all just a part of the healthy way I start my day!
- Exercise. Even if it’s walking for 20 minutes talking on the phone to your Mom, take a break and get your blood flowing. Exercise will ALWAYS make you feel more energized! Grab the stroller and head out! The baby or kids will love the walk too.
- Take a break. A mental break. A nap break. A brain break. Some times I need to check out from my kids or work and regroup. Even if it’s a small break, it’s a chance to disconnect even for a little while to recharge. Communication with your partner is crucial so you can figure out a time to make this work.
- Sleep. As tempting as it is to work late at night or watch you TV shows once the kids are asleep, set a limit on how late you stay up so you can get in some good rest. I know the nights of solid realm sleep might be few or nonexistent with potty training toddlers or breast feeding babies, but sleep is a game changer. Swap nights if your can with your partner. One of my mottos has always been “you sleep when they sleep” and that includes naps too! We know how much energy our kids have and it’s probably because they are getting a solid 10-12 hours of sleep each night! Who wouldn’t be energized! I want their energy!
- Cut down on sugar and caffeine. I love good chocolate and a hot cup of coffee, but sugar and caffeine are stimulants. I started to notice how much better my body functioned when not so dependent on that morning cup of coffee. I have switched to a better breakfast and a fresh squeezed juice to start my day and haven’t looked back. Make little changes. One cup of coffee, not four. 1 teaspoon of sugar, not 2 tablespoons. No sugar after 6pm. Baby steps.
- Slow down. I’ve started to shift my focus to making my health a priority. I have been caught in the world of an over-scheduled parent and wiith four kids, that was very easy to do. It’s much easier said than done, but no one can do it all. Not even Superman or SuperMom. These are the moments you just don’t want to miss.
Don’t miss out on any sweet moments with your kids! Moments like these won’t last forever. Eventually, you will feel the best you’ve ever felt and be your best each day. You owe it to family and especially, yourself.
*Meta partnered with bloggers, such as me, to get the word out about its great product benefits. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Meta believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Meta’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.