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Back to school means our kids will be sharing germs in no time. Germs are something we don’t want to share with anyone! With 4 kids in our house, I try my hardest not to let the domino effect take place because when one goes down, they all seem to fall one right after the other. And the bigger we are, the harder we fall. I try my best to educate and teach the kids simple things that they can do to keep the germs away and stay healthy. It might not seem like a lot, but these are ways to make sure that the whole family will stay healthy and back to school germs (or any germs for that matter) won’t take the family down!
Washing your hands. Most kids are in such a hurry to get out of the bathroom they forget to wash their hands. Yuck! It really only takes 15 to 20 seconds and some soap and water to kill germs and bacteria that can make you sick. I try reminding them that they should also be washing hands before they eat or after a fun day of playing at the playground. It’s such a simple thing to do, but the most effective in keeping the germs away!
Mom & Dad need to stay healthy, too! We set the tone for our kids. If they see us take our vitamins and eat healthy, they will too. Keeping our immune system healthy is truly the first line of defense to keeping our whole family healthy. We take Meta Daily Immune Support that helps naturally support a healthy immune system*. Trillions of bacteria in your digestive system can be thrown off by diet, travel, or stress So supporting your immune system really matters. I want to be as prepared as I can be to take care of my family and every day life.
Kids need to stay healthy from the inside out! Eating a healthy breakfast, getting enough sleep and taking care of our bodies are our first lines of defense in keeping the germs away. We make sure all the kids get enough sleep, especially when they are waking up so early for school. With the kids getting older and wanting to stay up later, this has been challenging. Routines work well for us: reading before bed; no electronics before bed; a good breakfast in the morning.
Have stress free mornings. Did you know that stress can actually weaken your immune system? Kids shouldn’t be stressed. But it’s easy (and unintentional) to over schedule and frazzle your child. Homework and studying is done before we begin any after school activity. We organize backpacks the night before. Get our clothes laid out for the morning. Make lunches the night before, too. All of these simple steps help us have a smooth and stress-free morning. I also make sure that I am up early so that I can set the tone for the morning by being prepared and on time. Having a stress free morning will help keep their immune system strong and can fight off the germs from the inside out!
It’s the little things that can make a huge difference in our health! If kids learn now, they will create habits to last a life time!
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