92 years is an amazingly long time to live on this planet. Today we will say our goodbyes to one of my favorite people, Chance’s Grandfather, the kids Great Grandfather. I married into the most amazing family. One where the roots run deep and there are stories to hear from where they come from. Family reunions are large and an annual tradition to come together and celebrate the ones who are with us and reminisce about the ones who are have gone. My kids have been lucky to know, and will remember, GrandDad being a part of their childhood. Dinners at Outback. Lunches at PDQ. We named Jacob James after him and each time wile call him Jake, I can hear a deep southern gruff voice, “Call that boy by his right name.”
I can all ready feel the energy this year as a year of change… some I’m ready for…others, not so much. “When the roots are deep, there is now reason to fear the wind.” Repeat. Repeat. I love you GrandDad… until I see you again, I hope heaven had a dirty martini waiting for you. ❤️