Day 5: Since we have ALL this time on our hands, we are using it wisely. Last one to tie her shoes, last one to learn how to ride a bike ! The days are starting to get normal. We are finding our groove. Doing things we love doing and things we’ve been putting off- fun activities, home projects, learning new things. Honestly- I’m not going to be mad about it. Making the most of it ❤️

But, I miss my friends like the kids do, so I’m think of setting up a online happy hours … Anyone want to join?! I joke, but not really.
My thoughts seem to be better laid out on paper as to how I feel right now. Very sad to see people not taking this seriously. Especially friends. But unless you have a family member, child, husband or even yourself with a compromised immune system, you won’t get it. You won’t EVER get it. And those that do get it, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for staying home and trying to “flatten the curve.”
I have seen my kid in the hospital with strep and with diabetes. who the **** knows what could happen. I just know that I have already gone to great lengths to keep my kids alive and I’m doing this because their LIFE DOES DEPEND ON IT and if you choose to be the 1% that doesn’t think what you do matters… well, in the words of Forest Gimp: “That’s all I have to say about that.”
I’m only allowing myself to watch the news once a day. It’s better. In the meantime, walks with the kids in our back yard, conference calls are therapeutic, phone conversations with friends are necessary (not only for me but the kids too) and happy hour officially begins at 6pm.
Work/ home life balance is actually really good. Much better than the memes out there, But my kids are older, so they listen and don’t need as much help as they used to. I’ve worked at home for 8 years. Juggling this not new to me. I know some people just don’t understand “how I do it” but we are getting it done. Just like we always do.
Time to put the big girl panties on America. We can do this.