If there is anything in life I would like to give to my kids- it’s happiness. I want to raise them to be good people and to to be happy.
We watch a movie pretty much every night. Last nights movie couldn’t have been timed more appropriately: The Pursuit of Happyness.
The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you… happy. But the question poised in the move was why did Thomas Jefferson add the word ‘pursuit’ into the sentence? Is happiness something we can only pursue and actually never have it?
After 30 days, 30 days of our lives coming to a halt, shifting pace, slowing down, giving up things that we knew made us happy, could we find it deep in our soul, to still be happy?
For me, happiness is a state of peace. A feeling that comes from balance- that careful balance that all is peaceful and right in my world, the world I can control. Our family, this small group of people who I love, are what make me happy. Seeing them healthy, making them smile, providing them with life’s basic essentials, sharing new experiences and feeding their soul with confidence, self-worth and love are what make me happy.
I hope in their own pursuit of happiness, they’ll find it too.